Wednesday 3 October 2012

arghhh another spend day

 darn shopping!!!!!!!

Well today we spent an absolute fortune on takeaway food. As we couldn't get into the kitchen because of the floor tiles being put down. We ended up having dinner in a hotel, the foods cheap and they sell the most amazing cakes hmmm yummy!

The boys enjoyed it to, so we all enjoyed a meal before my Oh goes to away for a few days.
 So although i spent money when we didnt really want to, the food was really good and filled us all up.
The sky was amazing, all the read looked fabulous.

Thats today, fingers crossed it turn out r1ght.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Inspired by frugal queen!

Well as the title suggests i decided to take part of frugal queens  stopober campaign.
I decided to try and tackle the credit card debt, which embarassingly is quite high.I've never done a balance transfer before so its all quite scary. I also never thought i would be to have any kind of credit rating to apply for another credit card.

So i decided to go on the mse site and see whats deals they are at the moment.
I ended up applying for a tesco credit card, felt so nervous applying for it, i was waiting for the dreaded "rejected" letter to pop up. Instead it said you have been accepted. I was so shocked, just hoping it doesn't get rejected over the next few days.

Still if all goes well i'll have tranferred £1280.58 to the tesco card, with 22 months interest free balance, the balance transfer fee will be £37.10. So hopefully this time next year i will have at least paid  half the balance off.

I also did a daft thing and got tempted by amazon's credit card. I know silly, i would never have applied but i thought why not, it worked with tesco. So i ended up buying a christmas present for my eldest, and if applied and got granted the credit card you £5 off any item.

Its actually turned out quite well, the bill for a new game and a new book for moi was £46.86 in total. I ended up paying a whopping £6.86 instead!

£5 amazon cc voucher
£35 of amazon vouchers
both of the items are free delivery as well yay!

Hopefully its cards cutting up time.

So take the plunge and see what you can do!

take care

kez x

Monday 1 October 2012

its been a while

Its been a very long time since i last blogged, what with lack of time and energy things just got left behind.

The summer holidays went far to fast for all of us, we seemed to lose weeks of our lives far to quickly.
We enjoyed ourselves though.

Well i decided to start the month with a new resolution, by cutting back on everything again. The few months we've gone beyond our budget due to having lots of building, which is still ongoing as we speak.
It will be good when the bathrooms and kitchen are finished, can't wait. Luckily our landlord is paying for it all.

Today i had a monkey cat spying on me while i worked.

 This is Shadow,  she's a little minx who loves drills, stealing pencils and climbing down stench pipes.
One crazy.

As the title suggest its been blooming cold, my athristis is playing up so its had to go on. Now looking forward to the winter bills at all.
Till tomorrow :)